
Define your fit. Stay focused. Train with Passion.

Your Fitness Journey Begins Here…

H.E.A.T offers strength training & functional fitness to athletes of all fitness levels. This form of fitness improves balance, agility & flexibility, increases endurance & stamina, and builds over-all strength. Together, this will better equip you to handle everyday activities as well as help you to become less injury prone.

Your training program is tailored to your specific needs and goals. All variables are carefully considered when an athlete is training, such as: nutrition, fitness history, everyday stressors, past & present injuries, sleep, and a multitude of other areas of life that must be considered. Heidi is passionate about providing a program that is safe, effective, and motivating for each athlete.

Armed with a customized fitness program, nutrition guidance, and one-on-one training sessions, you will have the tools required to achieve your full potential. You will not only reach your goals, but exceed them. You are stronger than you think you are!


  • Start today with a complimentary goal setting & mobility assessment session.

  • One Hour Private Training Session $50

  • One Hour Training Session with a Buddy $90

  • One Hour Zoom Session $50

  • 45 Minute Zoom Session $40

  • Pricing options are available for individuals training independently without a coach, but who are in need of a specialized workout program.